Lab news
13/07/23. Glad to hear that our project (GenepiMuSC) has been selected for funding by the @AgenceRecherche. We will study the genetic/epigenetic regulation of muscle stem cells in #Drosophila and #mouse models. An exiting upcoming collaboration with
@luisa_distefano @HeleneChanut and @PhiliMour.
10/07/23. Congratulations to @Savannah_Mnt our Master student for her top class ranking @RennesUniv_EN and being awarded a PhD fellowship to join @michalis_averof @IGFLyon. Very well deserved .
22/12/22. We are exited to announce that La Ligue contre cancer has funded our project "Decoding the molecular and cellular mechanisms mediating tumor/stroma crosstalk" . We are very grateful for the support.
1/10/22. We welcome Emma Leroux, our new PhD Student! After completing a successful Master degree in R. Le Borgne Lab, Emma secured a very competitive PhD fellowship (bourse doctoral CDO). She brings her experience in live imaging to study Notch response in muscle stem cells.
1/09/22. We welcome Aurélien Guillou our fly facility manager and research engineer.
17/01/22. We welcome Aïssatou Dieng, our new Master 2 Student!
15/01/22. We welcome Emmanuel Gallaud, our new postdoc!
8/11/21. Welcome to Cyrille our lab manager and research assistant. Very happy to have you on board.
19/08/21. We are looking for a motivated postdoc to join us. Press here for details and don't hesitate to contact Hadi if you have any question.
19/08/21. Our review "Drosophila, an Integrative Model to Study the Features of Muscle Stem Cells in Development and Regeneration" is now published in Cells. We reported the main findings revealed by the study of Drosophila muscle stem cells. Check it out here.
26/07/21. Congratulations to our very talented student Nourhene for defending her Master thesis with success and for winning an AFM PhD fellowship award. Looking forward to see you at the IGDR to continue the adventure.
14/04/21. We will start at the IGDR (Rennes) on the 1st of October 2021.
14/04/21. Job offers will be posted here